As far as the Indian Union Muslim League is concerned, It has In the more than five and half decades long magnificent history of party, done so many illustrious services for the best future of the community. In Kerala which is known to be the ever-time laboratory of political companionship, It is very manifest that any government that had nothing to do with the Muslim League, wasn’t able to contribute the enough securities , favours, concession and supports for muslim minority as the League -included government done. The list of achievements earned by power of the League, is very large. The first and foremost cause of these entire accomplishments is that the very far-sighted leaders of Ummah could perpetuate the Muslim League even after the Partition.
Special Marriage Act.
A (Special Marriage Act) bill was presented by Jawaharlal Nehru the first Prime Minister of independent India, in the Indian Parliament. The essences and contents of this bill were In fact, contrary to Islamic Sariah and muslims’ interests. Although such emi- nent muslim leaders as Maulana Abul Kalam Azad who was a freedomfighter closely associated with Mahatma Gandhi the father of nation, President of the Congress Party for almost two decades , a learned scholar, a master of Urdu prose, wrote a remarkable comm- entary on the Holy Qur-an and then after India’s independence held the post of Education Minister until his death, were present in the Parliament, the only one person who dared Of the Members of Parliament, so as to bravely confront this anti- muslim bill, was Late.. B.Pocker Sahib the single representative of the Muslim League.
Throughout the time of the profound discussion on this bill inside of the Parliament, Each and every members of all political movements were vying with each other to express their quite immature opinionsof according with latent cores of bill .When Mr. Pocker Sahib represent- ed the entire Indian muslims in the Upper House of Parliament, got his chance to respond against this bill, He proudly stood up and loudly declared “ No.., I disagree…” . On account of his very strong dissension, Even the Prime Minister had to proclaim that I did hear the voice of all muslims in Pocker’s words. Presented in the House by proudly wearing the Mappila Cap as a crown, Pocker Sahib was admired even by Abul Kalam Azad outside of Parliament. A fact, Here, that should provoke the thoughts of Indian muslims, is that even a single member of another political movements did no brave to stand for protection of muslims’ interests.
Remotion of Restriction.
In the first election held in 1957 after the birth of Kerala in 1956, to the legislative assembly of Kerala as well as to Indian parliament, the Muslim League was able to demonstrate its strength winning from eight assembly constituencies. They the eight members of the Muslim including of Mr. C.H . Mohammad Koya who elected from Thanoor, made adequate efforts to bring in all of their springs lost anywhere in rotation of time from the part of the government standing shoulder to shoulder. Such towering personalities who were all-time shining stars in horizon of Indian muslims’ politics, as B. Pocker Sahib andSeethi Sahib were not elected to assembly. It here, is noteworthy
that even C.H had spoken out in his discourse that on condition that we had the esteemed presence of those chieftains in assembly the quality of our earnings would be increased as the Muslim League is taking pivotal parts and roles in this totally confused and confounded political ambiances.
There was in Kerala where churches, mosques and temples cheek by jowl, an exceptionable law that came to being in 1952 particularly for Malabar region. This law asked for that there should be special sanction from authority in order to construct , re-build and expand all religious institutions. Relating to the muslims who consider the Masjids as nerve-centre of Islamic cultures and madrasas as an establishment that gives enough religious knowledges to new generations, this law was for certain objectionable and the Muslim League made them fight tooth and nail against this law that had broken the thread of religious rights and head-ways. The first demand raised by the Muslim League in front of the first Government molded in the chieftainship of E.M.S.Namboodiripadu, was to do away with this impertinent law. It reflects on a fact that this stainless attempts had helped even the antagonists among the community who had been asking the League as to what did the party give for the muslims in past? May this provoke the dead thoughts of our foemen.
More over it, the enemies of League should recall that the only one political party came forward to forestall the bill presented by Butta Sing the then Home Minister in the Upper House in term of “Religious Institutes - Misusing Bill” (Bill No -72) on 18th July 1988, was Muslim League and its leadership. That might Perhaps, be a never-ending obstacles to our institutions and freest religious propagations. In 1980, An effort was made by then government to include the religious establishments in circle of taxation. On account of the great struggles done by the League in those days under supervision of Gulam Mahmood Banth Wala the honorable president of Indian union Muslim League of today, the whole religious institutes were got rid of this frame of income tax.
Educational Progress.
The education is all-important and essential part of progress of any community, society, culture and nation. Became fully cognizant of relevancy of all education, The Holy Islam convinced the believersasking them “……………………………………………….” The Holy
Prophet of Islam taught his companions “ To seek knowledge is incumbent upon every muslim-men and muslim-women”. The orderof Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) to them who was captured in battle of Badr as prisoners, to instruct the muslims the alphabets in lieu of freeing, throws light on the ostensible viewpoint towards
the education.
As an organization that had been making strenuous efforts for the betterment of followers of Holy Islam which spared a bunch of believers engaged in seeking of knowledge without sending them to Holy wars, It was put the Muslim League in force to bring up the educationally-downward muslims community to main stream of society providing enough decent education. The very important zone that Muslim League lent more attention, was educational field. That is the only reason why the League took a solid stance to get education portfolio in any ministry whenever the party came in power in Kerala. The main factor of educational headway of Malabar is the strong presence of the Muslim League. Regarded the educational growth of muslims as the first and foremost aim of the party, the Muslim League drove the society which was at a loss for want of knowledge and cognition, to island of hope and confidence.
Everybody can see for sure, there in Kerala, the ever-lasting examples of proving the fulfillment of this goal. Calicut University which scattered the beams of cognition in every nook and corner ofMalabar, is one of the products of the League. The architect and designer of this great university that was C.H.Mohammed Koya who was then the Educational Minister of Kerala. As well as this university, A great deal of educational establishments such as the Farooq College at Farooq, P.S.M.O. College at Thirooranghadi in Malappuram Dist and Sanskrith University at Kaladi are clear proofs and validations of educational policy of the Muslim League. Giving such the most efficient heroic examples as C.H.M.Koya and E.T. Mohammed Basheer for educational field of Kerala, the Muslim
League was able to build up an alive and kicking education department and thus make it active and glowring one.
None of the Indian muslims can leave behind unintentionally, the reality that the Muslim League was ready to withstand the motilities for abolishing of the minority status of Aligard Muslim University and Jamiya Milliya University.
Protection of Arabic Language.
For the muslims all over the world, Arabic language is vital part of their daily life, for it is the language of their worship and Qur-an the divine revelation. To the lowest degree, they must read the very a chapter from this Holy Book in their daily prayers. In Kerala, there is opportunity to learn Arabic, Urdu and Sankrith along with English and Hindi as the student likes. But, Nayanar-led government came forward with black law in the name of Accommodation, Declaration and Qualification. The government meant with the term of ACCOMMODATION that ……………………………………….Boosted the learning of Arabic language and strived to protect the Arabic instructors by upping them as language teachers, the Muslim League was making a way for decent life of a group. This political party of muslim community had to miss three precious lives in the
picket of laying siege to collect0rates in the Kerala, masterminded by leadership of the party to protest against the sordid law that brought up by Nayanar- led Government. These three Abdul Majeed, Abdul Rahman and Kunnhippa are who was able to possess the holy martyrdom in the way of aegis of the Islamic language in which the almighty Allah opted in order to reveal the Holy Qur-an. That this event took place in history of Muslims in the day of Badr th holy battle which came to pass on 17th of the holy Ramadan the laeder of months. Being this unhappy occurrence were on 30th of July in 1980, the Muslim Youth League the youths wing of the Muslim League, has been practicing 30th of July of every years since 1980 as the “Youth League’s Day” May Allah the most omnipotent and the most invincible gather them and all of us together in his heaven the pre-promised land for the holy martyrs. Ameen….
Uniform Civil Code.
Before exactly, ten years of our sweet freedom, A law ( Sharea Application Act) was implemented in India in 1937. this act gives the enough rightfulness to muslims of pre-independent India so as to lead their very decorous life according to Islamic Sharea and helps them obtain the favorable destinies from any courts in India. Even after freedom of our great nation, this law was kept. By means of “Indian Independence Act” passed by the British Parliament on 18th June 1947, India could get its freedom. This act told that a CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY would be formed immediately for the creation of a very transparent constitution and all powers and authorities would be vested in this committee till the constitution comes out.
Accordingly, On 26 Jan 1950, A great constitution of promising the ample position and right to entire religions came into being. Since that day, India became a Republic too.We can read the Preamble of Constitution so “WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA; Having solemnly resolved toconstitute India into a SOVEREING SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens; JUSTICE, social, economic,and political; Liberty of thought, expression, Belief, faith, and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; And to promote among them all; FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty sixth day of November
1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSEL-VES THIS CONSTITUTION” . The both word ( Socialist ,Secular) was appended to in 1976 during the 48th amendment of Constitution.
The part -11 of Constitution is regarding of Fundamental Rights of citizens. The articles from 25 to 28 gives interpretations of freedom of religions.Article – 25 tells “ ..all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion” . Article- 29 assures “ Any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same”.